Sunday, December 13, 2009

Antique Victorian Furniture - Who Was Alexander Roux?

Alexander Roux (pronounced "Roo") was one of the top carpenters of the Victorian era in the U.S., and today his name commands great respect in the world of antique Victorian furniture.

Born in France in 1813, had Roux-guild formed in his home in the Rococo Revival style. In the 1830s he emigrated to the United States. And in the year 1836 (possibly 1837) he opened a store in New York City. Since French furniture was in vogue in New York at the time labeled Rouxthemselves, both in his ads and on his furniture, like a French cabinet maker. "

His business flourished. By the 1850s, he had 120 craftsmen in his service. Roux uses advanced technologies such as steam-powered saws and routers, which it quickly to his wooden form allowed. This gave him more time for his fantastically ornate carvings to work.

Roux is renowned for its rococo pieces known, but he hardly limited to that style. In fact, he brought his reign to the changing fashions of the day:Gothic Revival in the 1840s, Elizabethan and Renaissance, in addition to Rococo, in the 1850s, Neo-Grec in the 1860s.

Roux-made, high quality pieces for elite clients such as William B. Astor. In 1853 he exhibited his work at the Crystal Palace exhibition in New York City. Roux business was very profitable. He reports that it deserves much as U.S. $ 500,000 in the 1870s, a huge sum for the day.

Roux was married three times and had six children. For a year, in 1847, his brotherFrederick joined the firm. Roux 1881, finally retired and turned the business over to his son, Alexander J. Roux, who performed until 1898.

Roux shop employs a number of locations in New York, including five different locations on Broadway and on Fifth Avenue. Nineteenth-century America with its new wealth and technology, proved the perfect place for Roux develop his unique craft.

His work shows an individuality of thought and freedom of formthat it is highly desirable to make today by collectors of antique Victorian furniture. His rococo pieces contain an unusual variety of naturalistic sculptures like pomegranates and pineapples, the heads of deer, wolves and dogs, crabs, lobsters and other sea creatures. Roux favorite fantasy woods such as walnut, even with the same interior space as a secondary forest.

In 2000, was one of the expensive sideboards Roux at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, appears at aExhibition as Art and Empire City, 1825-1861.

Alexander Roux died 1886th

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Friday, December 11, 2009


as in the other channel ... all this is from 1 Antique shop in the course of 4 months ago. i have more stuff now

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Antique Kodak Camera

George Eastman invented the camera that was a unique "Kodak" sound when you pressed the shutter button to record the image. George also thought that the letter K is very strong so he quickly discovered the Ko-dak sound.

Photography is something special-the ability to photos, pictures, and she has been at the miracle moments, days, months and years after the collection event.

When it came time to find a name for his unique invention, has George Eastman did not conform to its namefor themselves, not "George" or "Eastman", but on the word "Kodak-hit" and thus the world was introduced at the Kodak camera and they quickly embraced by this new invention.

George Eastman's first camera was made of wood and contains enough film to take atleast 100 pictures. If one were to send him the film, the camera, and he would load the movie a new one for you to unload and then again the camera was ready, the owner-by and by, the trust of the George EastmanPeople with his new light-sensitive film.

When you see the disposable cameras available today (if it can), only a few places we think of the antique Kodak camera by George Eastman, which have a striking similarity between the two. In today's fast was the world if you take those disposable cameras at Kodak, we get back our pictures, but the camera stays with the Kodak Company. It's sad that you do not get to keep the camera.

The ancient KodakCameras are not readily available, perhaps only to collectors who are not part with them easily, or in museums. What one finds at the antique shops are the Letterette Brownie box cameras. is the next time a stain, it is important that we examine closely fitted with antique Kodak camera lens made of wood, will allow the finder of the photographer, an image horizontally or take over with the old Kodak camera. You can also succeed, with a verticalTo enable the image the red slot or a window to read the number on the back of the slide.

One can not help but always from the two small tabs at the top of antiquity fascinated Kodak camera is the small rounds of photography time and take your fingernail and drag it to the shutter button and it stays open and it will expose the wooden lens, while pushing that position, with your fingernail under the tab, the larger of the two, a brass plate with a hole in his filmsabove the lens, which is what we describe as the "aperture" pull-up bit more and you will opening. a different size hole, another stop-slide the tabs back and everything will rediscover its original position .

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Frosty The Snowman (1953) The First Original Animated Classic Cartoon [HQ]

. :-) ... Frosty The Snowman Christmas Snowman Santa Claus Christmas cartoon movie Toy movie sing movie movies funny kids children's music xmasflix Christmas Xmas Santa Claus Gerald McBoing Fred Astaire chicago North Pole elves elves old vintage antique toys animated sleigh Jingle Bells Guest Frosty the Snowman Snowman Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer Christmas Songs hardrock coco and joe suzy snow flakes before 1953 1954 1950 Rankin Bass Ella Fitzgerald LP vinyl 45 records Gene Autry ...

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Procol Harum - A whiter shade of pale 1967

We skipped the light fandango Turned cartwheels cross the floor I felt somewhat sick, but the crowd called out for more The room was humming harder as the ceiling flew away when we called for a drink The waiter brought a tray And so it came about that later, when the miller told his story, that her face at first just ghostly, rotating parts, a Whiter Shade Of Pale She said there is no reason And the truth is clearly visible. But I will through my playing cards and would not let a ...

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Antique Fountain Pens

The first practical fountain pen was patented by Lewis Waterman in 1884. Fountain pens were the first type of springs, which are used by people. However, the oldest surviving fountain pen was a Frenchman named M. Bion dated on 1702nd Antique fountain pens are valuable assets and are collector's items because they are very specific. Most of the antique pins are very expensive, as they are very rare and are not readily available on the market. Antique fountain pens asresult of their age need special care and handling techniques. These pens usually have ink filling mechanisms and differ greatly from the modern fountain pens.

The cost of these antique fountain pens depends greatly on whom they belonged to and what material they are made up of. Other factors like the quality of the nib and the material used for the nib also help determine the price. In case, the nib is made of gold or silver, the prices automatically rises up a great deal. As Most of these vintage pens have a long history back to raise their prices accordingly, as the demand is too high. Despite the expensive, these springs are very popular with people who enjoy fine writing pens, and who have a passion for collecting pens from different periods. The prices for these springs also depends on the situation in which they are kept. If the cases are made of gold or silver or a high quality metal and are hand crafted, then the prices are quite generallyhigh.

These rare fountain pens are not sold at wholesale outlets and are usually found at flea markets or old souvenir shops. It is possible by buying the old fountain pen dealers trading in antique furniture. Several sites also offer a range of Vintage Antique fountain pen and a good search engine, you can buy them at remarkably low prices.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Seasons Holidays Knocktopher Abbey

cottages, converted coach houses and stables. The 17-acre property and the surrounding countryside offers hiking, fishing and golf. The resort consists of eight self-contained suites in the abbey itself, complete with genuine antiques, and the adjacent coach house and stables have been converted into two-bedroom cottages. Amenities include a full-size snooker table, tennis court and a lounge.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Soccermania (Part 1)

This rare animated features Sport Goofy win as coach of a football team, which goes against the Beagle Boys in the interests of a valuable antique trophy.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Antique Fireplace Mantels - Functional and Decorative

As many homeowners have discovered not only an antique mantel function as a focal point or highlight a room, it is also the value of their property, especially if the antique mantel is of good quality. During the Italian Renaissance fireplace mantels are of most homeowners, fireplace mantels from the Edwardian era, preferably a house can increase significantly.

You achieve a classic look with antique fireplace Mantle

Many homeowners prefer their living space for a traditional look or atmosphere. This is where old fireplace mantels to be useful. An antique mantel can immediately give a room or a classic traditional look. Additionally, an antique mantelpiece, a touch of elegance to give each room.

An antique mantel is that this one room a personality and character. Not only that the relevantEnter> antique mantel piece is a room a makeover, which seems a step back in time. For example, a room has the look of a room from the Italian Renaissance with an antique mantel that features columns and statues.

When choosing antique fireplace mantle

The process of selecting an antique mantelpiece to add to your home, is not a haphazard process. An ancientMantel must be carefully selected. It is important that the antique mantel is a good fit with the theme of the house. Is an antique fireplace mantel shelf with a design matching that on the page, or vice versa?

Antique fireplace mantels are made from materials such as wood and stone, so that the choice of material is also an important factor in the choice of an antique fireplace mantels. AntiqueFireplace mantels come in a variety of engineered wood and stone materials. Limestone, marble, granite and slate are just some stones that are used for antique fireplace mantels. For best results, it must use a balance between the type of antique mantel and materials.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Antique Toys and Collectibles

Antique toys shows the history of toys in the past centuries. It shows the unique way that makes every society and culture, the events of that time. Antique toys will help you to understand the past and recognize how the past has to do in the present and the future.

Old toys bring back memories of our childhood and the joyful moments of playing with toys. Collecting antique toys could be a very expensive hobby. It is a fascinating hobby. One canmuch to learn from them, whether they are soldiers, uniforms, breeds of cows and pigs, different kinds of cars, trucks and other vehicles, the companies that own them. The enthusiasm is the key to the collection of old toys. There are some people who might complement willing to shell out lots of toys to the collection. The factor that is looking to purchase old toys, his state and his time of existence.

A toy that is in good condition will fetch a goodPrice. Toys available in their original boxes are very expensive and are known as toys in their pristine condition. Whereas, toys that were used tend to lose their quality, so that they are considered less valuable. It is strongly recommended that free toys are stored in dust environment. The bigger the toy is the bigger the price is on the other hand, the value of a toy with flaking paint or remove a missing tab.

Toy develop over time. For example, tin toys, which were a popularin children is a upon a time to diminish over time and were replaced by plastic toys, which were safer than others. Today, tin toys make nostalgic. Tin toys were a replacement for the durable and inexpensive toys. Tin toys could move and sound when wounded. It opens up a child's imagination and provided hours of excitement for children. It was a hen to lay eggs, a monkey playing the drums, an elephant on a bicycle, phones, etc. But some of the toys that are not sharedGet high in value.

In the olden days of toys as well as baked clay terracotta were made known. Making terracotta toys, figurines and statuettes of animals was an important industry. A large number of toys such as small cars, dice, balls, maze, squirrels and toy bull, whose head moves as the train was made of a string.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009